Designing and Developing Allianz Global Digital Architecture - Behind the Scenes   

At the Global Digital Factory our experts in the fields of UX/UI, Analytics, Marketing, Frontend and Backend Development continuously work on providing not only user-centric assets and solutions. Every solution that is delivered by the GDF needs to match the requirements of different stakeholders from Allianz Entities worldwide. To achieve this, to avoid redundant work, to make it easy for OEs to give us feedback, to easily make changes and to ensure an as efficient as possible way for collaboration and working mode, we make use of many tools. Tools that are connected logically. Wanna have a look behind the scenes? Here we go!

By using four comprehensive tools we simplify the process of designing. Sketch, inVision, Angular NDBX and the Page Flow Engine. 

You might know how every several tool works in particular. And you might know that they exist to support turning complex ideas into digital experiences. But we will give you an overview how they all together provide the perfect tool kit to create intuitive customer experiences for Allianz OEs all over the world.

We start with Sketch 

Sketch is a tool used by Allianz UX and UI designers to bring a raw idea into a first visual concept. Based on the Allianz digital design NDBX, Sketch helps to build digital prototypes and provides different Building Blocks to ensure consistency within all existing developed digital solutions. Even at the very beginning of the design process, the UX designer works more efficiently, because no time is wasted by creating simple graphics.
Did you know that Sketch is the tool where wireframes come into action?


Next Step is inVision 

As soon as a prototype is completely ready in Sketch, the process continues in inVision. InVision is a collaboration tool used to share prototyped designs. It offers the opportunity that UX experts, user, product owner and other stakeholder can give feedback by leaving comments and notifications. Hence the UI design can be optimized iteratively. Once designs are valuated and approved, they will be moved into “ready for dev”, what means ready for step 3: Angular NDBX.

Third Angular NDBX

Now a frontend developer takes over to bring the designs to life. New Digital Brand Experience is what NDBX stands for. NDBX is Allianz’s design language which empowers employees and user with a tool to build intuitive and user friendly brand experiences by quickly utilize UI building blocks. Digital solutions based on Angular NDBX are not only more simple to develop, they are also 100% brand compliant and offer a brand experience with a very high recognition value. The library also provides detailed information on the configuration of the individual elements. To make it a bit more clear: Every of the four comprehensive tools includes NDBX elements. Allianz branded UI library, based on the development framework Angular allows to quickly build interactive experiences and fill the components added in Sketch with content.

Last but not least the Page Flow Engine

Once every single site is finished with Angular NDBX, our frontend developer can move on to the Page Flow Engine (PFE). The PFE is an Angular based framework which allows to create a specific flow of pages, make changes very easy, add pages and make adjustments in the page layout. So we have the process to build a whole Angular application. As soon as the application has run through PFE it is ready to use.

Use Case: Different lines of Business?
No problem!

GDF has developed two First Notice Of Loss assets, respectively for Home Claims and Motor Claims. With PFE, two different lines of business can be simply configured and implemented for multiple OEs, each with different requirement and different pages flows, all with one code base. No intensive programming efforts needed!


All this seems familiar to you, but also new? Sure, because you have probably heard all these terms before or read about the single tools in one of our blog posts. But now you have a better overview of the collaboration of the different tools and you know about how it all works together to create customer experiences for all kinds of needs in every Allianz operating country. 

Check out our Tooling Video to learn more