Local Product Perspective

Global Product Perspective

Making the most out of UX Research
So depending on the number of products and Operating Entities, there’s quite a pool of UX experts supporting the global and local product development streams. To prevent that all UX researchers need to define their approach, methods, quality, guidelines and create all UX activities on their own – GDF comes into play. Living the role of global governance for Allianz group frontend design, GDF is responsible for UX quality and UX/UI consistency as well as creating synergies across teams. To achieve this, we added two different roles to the mix:
First, the global UX research strategist, who is dedicated to the overall approach enabling the project teams to re-use templates, guidelines, tool chain, best practices and global UX insights, meanwhile aiming for a high quality standard in UX activities. UX insights generated in local UX research are shared not only to enhance the UX of global product, but also to enrich and optimize the global Design System UX/UI libraries.
Second, the global UX research coordinator, who is in close contact with all UX researchers involved globally or locally, keeps an overview on continuous UX activities as well as fosters exchange and sharing across teams and Operating Entities. As local UX research insights are shared, the UX research coordinator extracts global UX insights and best practices and makes those insights available for all teams.
In the special case of B2B applications, the global UX research coordinator also briefs the local user panel coordinator in organizing potential UX activity participants that can only be recruited Allianz internally.