In a nutshell
Florian, as a Digital Marketing Manager at the GDF has two fields of responsibility:
On the one hand Florian is managing all internal and external communications topics for the GDF including social media channels, the GDF blog and e-mail marketing. Thereby he gets supported by a working student. If you are not following the GDF already click here 😊
On the other hand, he ensures that the Allianz end customer is provided with the right message at the right time through the right channel. This actually sounds very logical, doesn't it? But behind that there is a lot of work, analysis and creativity. Basically, it is about the most efficient use of marketing resources. In Detail it is about enabling Allianz OEs and their Marketing Experts to use on- and offline Marketing tools to connect with existing and new target audiences. In the best case this leads to a positive return on invest.
Perhaps all of this still sounds a bit abstract to you, so let us explain it further with a simplified example…
Digital Marketing – Customer Journey Example

Usually, the user won’t acquire immediately but search for the products that suits best. But we as Allianz Direct have spent money already to get the user’s attention – for the TV spot, for SEA and Social Media Advertisement. To generate a positive ROI, we want to use a quickly as possible our owned media. So to stay visible with our offer on the one hand side and to enable the user to compare on the other, the proposal is immediately sent to the user by e-mail.
Because of the user calculating the offer in our Quote and Buy application, we now know the customer’s e-mail address as well as the vehicle data and we can presuppose that the user is considering not only buying any car insurance but also very interested in our product – this user for us is a hot lead.
Florian’s daily routine

The day begins with Coffee for me and food for the new born baby between 8:00 and 8:30. After starting the Computer I am checking mails and the tasks for the day. To enable highly focused and efficient progress, every day starts with a – currently virtual – team daily stand-up, in which we check progress on tasks, align on topics and identify blockers. At Allianz Direct we currently work in Scrum, which means that we work in two-week sprints to achieve certain results and deliver assets needed to roll out new solutions or products just in time.
After this meeting I usually get another coffee and have then a mix of calls and working on the tickets assigned to me. At the moment these tickets are about creating workflows in Adobe Campaign. These enable us as well as OEs to import data, to create target audiences and to send out e-mails and SMS to the right people with the right message in the right moment. This could be for example when a policy becomes active, when a payment is missing, if there is a new product feature available or if a claim of a customer has been solved.
To do all of this, a lot of alignment with other teams is needed. With the data team, with our frontend and backend development experts, with the product teams and so on. And of course, sometimes work is not going as smooth as expected what causes ad-hoc requests and working on solving business critical topics as soon as possible.
Summarizing: Every day is different, even though it usually is about the same topics 😉
Digital Marketing Management @home
Work from home has now become standard. As the term already suggests, the work of a Digital Marketing Manager is very digitally aligned. Even before the relocation of the workplace, the GDF and the experts working there had to support OEs all over the world which of course sometimes has to be digital.
Read more about home office and remote collaboration at the GDF here.
Lot of calls and video conferences as well as digital collaboration tools were needed. "Working from home is easy to handle and performs very well, thanks to Allianz Technology, the tools and systems provided and the great willingness of the team to collaborate. Nevertheless, the colleagues are missed, the occasional coffee gossip in the lobby or the after-work cocktail together. Especially in September/October, because this is the season when our annual Team Wiesn would take place."
You want to become a Digital Marketing Manager? Flo’s Tipp
Like every job, the best strategy is learning by doing. A business management background is of course beneficial for this position. Basically, a prospective Digital Marketing Manager should bring a mixture of analytical skills and creativity as well as empathy and the ability to closely collaborate with UX researchers, designers, developers and data engineers. Analytical skills to understand what really matters to the user and what their individual needs are. Creativity to translate this information into the right tonality and visual language. For example, Google Ads can only use words to advertise what excludes imagery from tonality and requires a certain amount of creativity.
I would recommend this to everybody who enjoys analyzing, drawing conclusions and developing creative approaches on the basis of these results.
By the way, you have to talk a lot, so I would also recommend it to everybody with a faible for communication. 😉