The App Summit 2018

Take a look behind the scenes of the second App Summit at #AllianzGDF and find out more about the topics discussed. 

960 minutes to connect Mobile App expertise, to create and test ideas. 960 minutes to bring together Allianz Mobile App Experts from all over the world.

960 minutes = 2 days fully packed with apps and digital mobile solutions we have in Allianz Group: discussions from design to development, marketing and analytics. We are eager to share with you some insights, learnings and behind the scenes impressions: 

"So your App is special - why should I install it?" - User Awareness and Activation by Ralph Binkert, SEO Expert at the GDF

Ralph clearly stated: "People don’t look for Apps, they look for solutions". So there is a need for marketing to communicate the value that the App is adding, which customer issues are being solved. How to build awareness? Some of Ralph's tips: 

  • App banners (advertising, for example, implementing a Smart App banner on your Website)
  • But be mindful – installs vs. actual engagement? What is your KPI?
  • Build contents around your App, and tell users how your App is solving their problems
Ralph Binkert, SEO Expert at GDF
"To infinity and beyond": AllianzNOW - Activation Insights from Allianz Italy by Michele Carluccio from Allianz Italy
Michele from AZ ITA

Michele shared insights about the success factors of their Italian App "AllianzNow" regarding Awareness & Activation. 

1) As key performance indicator he considers active users (include registration and app engagement) instead of downloads

2) Successful elements for AllianzNOW:

  • Functionality: "Protection in realtime", ready-to-use services and contacts, added services such as a panic button or alcohol test
  • Customer Centricity: Manage user reviews in App Stores, quickly reply and notify the user that e.g. issues has been resolved - helps to improve ratings 
  • Communications: Direct marketing such as emails
  • Analytics: Keep track on what´s going on with your App and in your App
"Have you lost your head yet?" - Mobile Capabilities of OneMarketing by Christopher Heise and Kemal Ates, both from Allianz Technology

Short overview of out-of-the-box mobile capabilities of oneMarketing, e.g.:

  • Non-transactional push notifications with Adobe Campaign
  • Mobile analytics with Adobe Analytics

Followed by a discussion about potential further mobile capabilities:

  • Content as a service / headless CMS
  • Integration and communication patterns (web apps inside native app shell)
Az Technology presenting
Culture @ Google - with guest speaker Astrid Hammel from Google
Astrid Hammel from Google presenting
Astrid talked about Corporate Culture at Google, where she is a Senior Account Manager. She shared with us insights about e.g.  corporate events, recruiting, core values, but also internal testing and product scoping. 
"Sharing is caring // Don't repeat yourself" - Mobile Foundation for developers and designers by Franziska Rau and Benjamin Meyer from  Allianz Germany & Kemal Ates  from Allianz Technology
How to avoid redundancy, how to collaborate closely, how to "copy with pride":
  • Tool for Designers: Working status of an sketch library to design native Apps, involvement of and interaction with intermediaries and stakeholders
  • Tool for Developers: Atomic design library for developers to find small development elements like buttons; Molecules & Organism categorized to easily find and re-use.
  • Both highlight the need for global collaboration to evolve existing resources instead of creating new assets
  • Further fostering of collaboration to develop worldwide re-use for App development
Sharing is caring
Mobile Insights from Google: Tips & Tricks Positioning in App Stores by Astrid Hammel from Google
google insights

How can we improve our visibility and brand perception in the App Store? Some examples:

  • Discoverability/ prominence (organic traffic) and conversion rate (good app store page leads to increased installs)
  • Tell a story on your app store page and end with an action (e.g. install now/ download today)
  • Localization: Adjust your page for your target audience: Use local language, images, cultural cues
  • Screenshot optimization, e.g.: create eye catching images and think about target audience: show functionalities of app or emotions associated with brand
Allianz Turkey App "Allianz`im" - insights and learnings by Talya Oran from Allianz Turkey 

Some of the insights shared about Allianz Turkey App:

1) Entire redesign of App for better UI and UX experience resulted in higher usage and improved ratings

2) Driver for frequent accesses:

  • Savings a the end of the month: users tend to check their policies for tracking
  • Allianz Doctor: has an application where customers can scan the receipt from the doctor and customers get reimbursed immediately
AZ Turkey insights

Thank you  to all the participants - for your shared expertise and valuable thoughts regarding our ideas, for the discussions and fun we had together. Congratulations and thank you to all our speakers from Allianz Germany, Allianz Technology, Allianz Italy, Allianz Turkey, Allianz BeNeLux, to Astrid Hammel, our guest speaker from Google, to all the experts from Allianz Global Digital Factory and of course to Doro & Daniela for making this happen! 


For further questions, please get in touch with Doro or Daniela. Follow us on Linkedin to stay up to date on all the topics and things happening at the #AllianzGDF!

Related Articles & Links:
More impressions from the second App Summit at the Allianz Global Digital Factory:
Gourp of Allianz Mobile App Experts