MyMobility is Allianz’s first truly multimodal mobility coverage – intelligently combining insurance and service coverages by using a fully modular product approach. The solution is targeting a fast growing segment of customers which are combining various modes of transportation in their day-to-day mobility – from using their own-vehicle to shared mobility services (Car-, Bike- and Scooter-Sharing) and even public transport alternatives.
The modular product approach will also allow for bundling with core motor insurance producT – serving the needs of customers directly and via Agents, OEMs and mobility providers at the same time. The pilot will be crucial to generate learnings and real market insights for this new product category.

Big thanks and congratulations to the teams involved!
With enthusiasm, dedication and drive, the teams from Allianz Partners Italia, Allianz Automotive and Allianz Global Digital Factory succeeded in translating a strong concept developed at the Global Digital Factory in Munich with Italy, France, Spain, Allianz Partner and Group Experts in 2017 into a powerful product.
Stay tuned - big things coming up: e.g. a white-label extension of the product would be ready for external collaboration.
If you are curious to learn more about the product, the journey and the things coming up, get in touch with Benedikt Kramps. To never miss any topic concerning the #AllianzGDF, follow us on LinkedIn!