Allianz is the world’s leading insurance brand, with lot’s of customers around the world focusing on providing the best possible user experience globally in a consistent way. And while customer demands differ across many areas and regions, this also presents the opportunity to gain valuable insights. Insights and data, that enables our worldwide operating entities to improve and become even more user centric!
An opportunity we do not want to miss! Only thing needed: measuring the same Key Performance Indicatos (KPIs) in different markets, involving lots of stakeholders and their needs to be taken into consideration.
Within #DIXD, we teamed up with the Digital Interaction (DI) team, which is the product team that owns the web analytics solution of choice within the Allianz group. Helmut from DI, Uli and Brendan from GDF are steering the Global KPIS Dashboard project aiming to provide a globally valid analytics library. Read more about Uli, Brendan and Helmut here:
Helmut Auer is the Product Owner of Experience Cloud solutions team here at Allianz. Read more about him and his work as a PO here:

Brendan Boeger is an Analytics Expert here at Allianz. You can read more about him and his work as an Analytics Expert.
Sounds ambitious, huh? Let’s deep dive into how we approached it and where we are at the moment.
To let as many OEs as possible benefit from this project, of course, global consistency, adoption as well as harmonization are key for success. But even more important is to really understand common but also differing requirements. Therefore, we rely on researching, creating demos and prototypes, continuously imrpving and and expanding where necessary. All of this together with our stakeholders and customers, as agile as possible.

So, what is it that one would want to see in such a library? Not only on a local level, but also globally? Answering to needs of frontend and backend developers, data engineers, marketeers and top management?
We all are in the same business (at least 90%) so there has to be a common standard set of KPIs relevant for all of us. These standard KPIs are provided centrally, out-of-the-box with our Analytics platform to Allianz entities. Here, it’s not only about visualizing insights and making them actionable. Privacy regulation has to be considered and, as it can change quite fast, needs to be continuously adjustable.
Solutions as global as possible it what we aim for. But we also know that sometimes more is needed. Therefore we also focus on compatibility and the possibility to connect easily to other relevant tools.
Last but not least, skill sets available differ from operating entity to operating entity. So we provide guidance how to implement our global standards and offer continuously training.
Summing it up: We provide a solid, stable and scalable analytics foundation with the clear scope to expand, enhance and further develop it ongoingly with our stakeholders and customers.
Wondering where we are currently?
If your solution is supposed to be scalable, you need a stable fundament. And that’s what we have been working on:
-> We have established a team of professionals who work efficiently together
Of course we need the subject matter experts – Analytics experts who are not only EXPERTS in their topic but also familiar with the business, with processes and other requirements.
Solutions architects, the product owner of the Analytics tool, the operating entities joint forces and work together to find the best possible solution.
Developers and data scientist are involved from the very beginning.
Across the whole group, relevant people are brought to one table to define, develop and implement a modular and globally scalable assets which lets the whole group benefit based on improved user insights.
-> We compiled documentation based on current analytics based on the current analytics implementation
We enable to understand, implement easy and use our assets by providing user-friendly und comprehensive documentation.
-> Prototype Version 1.0 is almost there!
Our big thank you goes out to...
Everyone across whole Allianz – Ulrich Lutz, Brendan Boeger, Helmut Auer and everyone else across multiple Operating Entities – who participated, discussed with us and still is supporting us in providing best possible solutions.
Not one fits all but...
Having a global standard means that a customer experiences the same Allianz at every platform worldwide.
-> A standardized architecture facilitates the implementation and rollout process and saves us money.
-> Updates and new features can be implements easily, via “plug & play”
-> Data and insights are comparabels and cann be uased across the group
-> Data is consistent and can be used to understand users better to improve
-> Data-informed decisions can be made