eMerge 2021

eMerge 2021: how was it organized?
What happened during the events?

On day 1, to start us off, we had the Welcome keynote by Jordi Balcells Robert from Allianz Technology[SDJ(T1] Business Applications team, Kristoff Molnar from Google who talked about the Developer tooling at Google and Chris Heilmann from Microsoft to lead us through the closing and debugging processes. The first day of eMerge was closed by Florian Wolters (Allianz DIXD) with his talk on Customer Interaction, and Samuel Lukes and Abdelhalim Hadid’s (Allianz France) introduction and tutorial to developers communities.
Day 2 of the event started off with speakers from Spotify who talked about the Spotify’s developer portal backstage.io and Allianz direct speakers with their topic ‘’Cross-everything Teams with Full-Skill people’’. The event was closed by keynote speakers from Allianz Technology, Allianz SE [SDJ(T1] and Confluent with a focus on a global DevOps community and using data to implement Meshes.
Experience Streams

Day 1
The Frontend experience streams on the day were hosted by Tobias Siebert and Jochen Supper (GDF/DIXD). Speakers from Allianz Technology, Allianz Global Digital Factory, Google, TNG, Satellytes and DIXD led the day for the frontend experience. The stream started off with a talk around visualizing design and development within a cycle and understanding interface as an interactive piece and making it ‘speak’.
We had a very in-depth presentation around the State of Angular NDBX and State of Angular by both Allianz Technology and Google in the second half of the day. Along with that, our colleagues from Allianz technology (ABS) talked about shifting from ABS Rich Client.
Day 2
Day 1
Day 2

Dev Ops
Day 1
Day 2

eMerge awards. . . what?
Sam Lukes and Abdelhalim HADID with the topic "Craft Community: How to start and maintain a developer's community" from Allianz France
Christopher H. from Microsoft with the topic "Closing the web coding/debugging loop"
Tug Grall from GitHub
Allianz Direct DevOps from Allianz Direct
Carolina Benito Sánchez and Sergiu Petean from @Allianz Direct
Felix Hamann from Satellytes
Dheepan Raju from Allianz Technology
Dr. Cathrin Möller from TNG Technology Consulting
Chad Arimura from Oracle
Joachim Kohlhammer and Andreas S.from Allianz Technology
Benazir McGuire (Burhan)⚡and Tobias Siebert from Allianz Global Digital Factory
Minko Gechev from Google